Sunday, March 14, 2010

Laura: Sprink Break, or, a Temporary Diet Vacation

164 lbs

After an amazing Spring Break trip to New England, I am glad to be back and eating healthy again. My week consisted of rather enjoyable day trips, and some rather indulgent eating habits. Cheesecake in New York City, Mike's Pastries in Boston, bagels for Breakfast, cheeseburgers in Salem, Mass, Ben and Jerry's ice cream...all delicious, yes, but probably a bit overboard. Stomach pains and general discomfort accompanied these eating deicisions, along with a few moments of "Oh my God, why did I just eat all that?"

However, there are no regrets. I learned my lesson about loading up on junk food. But, hey, it was a vacation, and I think that both my roommate and I earned a well-deserved break from dietary restrictions. This probably seems a bit wishy-washy on my part (especially after several entries that were like, "I will not cheat!") but, I have to say I'm glad to be back at school and back on the diet bandwagon for the rest of the semester. I never really realized how good I felt when my body was full of healthy fruits and vegetables. Excessive carbs made me feel sluggish, heavy, and more tired than anything else.

If anything, this vacation helped me understand/realize the postive aspects of this diet. I ate all of the foods I have deprived myself of for several weeks, and realized that I sort of felt better without them. While it was nice to indulge a bit (after all, we were on vacation for crying out loud), it was only temporary. Now, it's time to get back to healthy eating and exercising.

Though, I have to admit, it was an amazing week. And it was so nice to be carefree. No schoolwork, no diet...just lots of museums, adventures, jelly beans, and good company.

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