Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hannah: Adaptation

weight: I was 119 this morning. 

As previously mentioned, dieting is hard.

As previously mentioned, I am very bad at dieting.

As previously mentioned, real dieting makes me miserable and lethargic.

So, I have decided that to make this diet work for me, it requires some adaptation.

   - More protein! Chicken is okay! and delicious, and quite healthy.
   - Exercise! Especially now that it's slowly beginning to get warmer, head to the gym. Play tennis. Crunch.
   - Occasionally, eat those things which make you happy. Probably not doughnuts and ice cream, but a wrap once in a while won't kill you. Make wise choices here. A burger very rarely is fine. Happy-foods are worth eating. Fat is not.
   - Keep up with those salads! Just because the rules have loosened up doesn't mean you should take advantage. Bad days are days for chicken caesar wraps. Good, happy, healthy days should be salads and fruit and yogurt. There is no need to eat too much EVER.

I'm doing well on the Healthy-Eating-Habits front, and will keep that up. These adaptations and wriggles around the rules are for special occasions. When going out to dinner with friends, or on Sloppy Joe day at the CDR. But then, only half the bun is necessary.

Much more attainable for me. And with the addition of exercise, I feel that most things will balance out.

Happiness. Yes. This is nice. 

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